Easter Sunday – March 31st

What will an Easter
service look like?
Our service times are 9 & 10:30am. We encourage you to come early to grab some donuts and coffee before the service begins. If you have children birth through 5th grade, they will also enjoy their own Freedom Life Kids Easter experience! Students (middle and high school) will enjoy the service in theatre 20 with the adults.
Our service will last about 65 minutes and we will have a couple of songs at the beginning followed by a quick message that we are sure you will find encouraging.
Where Is FLC Located?
We meet at Regal Cinema every Sunday at 9 & 10:30am!
Click here for directions!
What About My Kids?
If you have children birth through 5th grade, they will enjoy their own Freedom Life Kids Easter experience.
Students (middle and high school) will enjoy the service in theatre 20 with the adults for Easter Sunday. Normally, Students meet in theatre 19 on Sundays at 9am following worship in the first service.
What Do I Wear?
At Freedom Life Church, there is no dress code. You’ll see some people in khakis and a button up shirt and others in jeans and a t-shirt. Wear whatever makes you comfortable!
Invite a friend!
Easter is a great time to invite a friend or family member! Click and download this image to post on social media. You can tag
us in your photos @myfreedomlifechurch!