One of the biggest tourist attractions in the world is located at 42nd Street and Park Avenue in  Midtown Manhattan, New York. It’s technically called Grand Central Terminal, but you may know it as Grand Central Station. According to Guinness World Records, this is the largest train station in the world by the number of platforms. And any of the 20-plus million visitors each year to New  York can hop on one of the 44 platforms and choose from a variety of tracks to get to their desired destination. 

Here’s the key—where you end up depends entirely on which train you choose at the beginning of the trip. Choose the wrong one and you’ll end up in the wrong place. 

Choosing RELATIONSHIPS works the same way. First, decide where you want to go, then choose the right relationships to get you there. If you want to move closer to God, then you have to start hanging out with people who are pursuing that goal too. 

One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26 (ESV) 

The track you decide to put yourself on today will have consequences, either good or bad. 

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7 (NKJV) 

If you want to grab a train leaving Grand Central Station, you must first go to Grand Central  Station; those trains will never just come to find you. If you want to build relationships with people who are pursuing God, you need to go to where those people are, not sit around and pray or hope they magically come to you.  

Want friends to travel this journey with you? Freedom Life Church provides interested based groups that meet outside of Sunday morning. In addition, you can find friends by joining a serve team that helps on Sundays. The very best way to find the relationships you are looking for is to go where they are, and that starts with the local church. Don’t do life alone. 

Movement Day 19  


  • Start researching churches today.
  • Ask God to help you as you actively seek out a local church.
  • Get into a small group, start serving, and reach out to other believers.


  • MATTHEW 19
  • Write down one thought.


God wants to be close to you today. He wants to change your life today. Don’t allow the wrong  relationships to derail you on this journey. 

The temptation for all of us is to think the rules don’t apply to us or our friends. To think: he/she  is such a good person; even if they won’t take me closer to God, they can still be a close friend or  confidant. Or to believe that if we don’t change that relationship, it won’t really affect us. It will.  Vehicle No. 3 is not to be toyed with or ignored. RELATIONSHIPS will take us closer to God or  farther away from Him. The choice is yours. 

The relationships you form today will affect where you go tomorrow. There is just no way around  the fact that the people closest to you will affect your future. Find a local church, get involved,  and actively pursue Christian relationships. Make sure those closest to you are the kind of people  who will pray for you, build your faith, hold you accountable to your new hopes and dreams, and ultimately take you closer to God than you are today. 


Today concludes our daily thoughts about Vehicle No. 3: RELATIONSHIPS. 

The right relationships will make or break your journey toward God. Doing life with other  followers of Christ is going to change everything about your life today. It won’t come easily, and  it’s probably going to cost you something, but the payoffs are through the roof. This vehicle will  take you closer to God faster than you might have ever imagined. If, and only if, you allow it to.