You’ve asked God to forgive you of your sins and be in your life. You’ve been given heaven forever, your past is behind you, and now it’s time to start looking ahead. It’s time to begin realizing that God has a very specific plan for you and for your future. This is where this trip gets good! 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm  you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) 

This journey with God that you have begun is going to take you places you may never have dreamed of before. And none of it will be a surprise to God. For some of you, God is going to reignite a passion for a dream you once had. For others, things you’ve dreamed about in the past will become less important than they used to be, and new things will begin popping up on your radar. Whether God rekindles a past dream or begins to give you completely new dreams, get ready. This is going to be a great ride. 

Think about this: The God of the universe has a specific plan just for YOU. And because you’ve put your trust in Him, you’re now in a position to learn what that plan is and begin actually experiencing it! 

Movement Day 5  


Begin asking God today to start showing you some of His plan for your future. Talk to God about some dreams you once had, or about your availability for Him to guide you down a completely new road. And then get ready to move! 


  • MATTHEW 5 
  • Write down one thought. 


Even if you don’t know what it is right now, God has a perfect plan for your life, and you are now on the way to experiencing it. Keep pursuing God, don’t give up, and He will begin showing you what that plan is when the timing is perfect.