Unless you have a death wish, you wouldn’t drive a vehicle at night without your headlights on— it’s just too dangerous. With no headlights at night, you can’t see the road, pedestrians,  potholes, or upcoming turns. 

God says that our lives are often like driving at night, and we need light on our path so we’ll know where to go and what to do next. The Bible is the very source of light we’re looking for. 

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 (NIV) 

Opening the Bible is like turning on the headlights for life. It allows God to illuminate your path and helps you navigate the twists and turns of everyday life. And let’s be honest, we need that!  You have big decisions to make about your finances, your relationships, your education, your career, and much more. You need the God with the plan, the God with all the answers to help you know when to go right when to go left, when to slow down, and when it’s safe to hit the gas on the open road. Time spent reading THE BIBLE gives God that chance to speak to you about the direction of your life. 

Do you have a big decision to make? Are you in the middle of a stressful situation? TURN ON  YOUR HEADLIGHTS! Every time you open the Bible, you are inviting God to shed light on your situation and guide you toward the amazing future He has in store for you. 

Movement Day 13  


  • Ask God to help you clear your mind and really speak to you through His Word today. Talk to God about the areas in your life where you need guidance. 


  • MATTHEW 13 
  • PROVERBS 13 
  • Write down one thought. 


God’s not playing games with you. He wants to be involved in your life. He wants to guide you through tough times and difficult decisions. When you read His Word, you are not only giving God a chance to speak to you about your life today, but you’re moving closer to Him in the process. And remember, that’s the goal!