Many people today find relaxation in transportation. A cruise in a convertible on the highway, a motorcycle ride through the mountains, or just driving around the block 25 times for some peace and quiet can be extremely refreshing. (Ask any parent.) God says that serving is not only a vehicle that takes you toward greatness, but it also refreshes you on the way there.
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)
People often make the mistake of thinking that this verse is talking only about financial generosity. This passage is addressing generosity that also includes our time, talents, and nonfinancial resources. It’s really a verse about servanthood.
Every time you go out of your way to help someone in need, God says that you yourself will also be refreshed. That’s an amazing deal. Are you feeling depressed, worried, or stressed? Help someone and feel the difference.
Feeling low on joy and peace? Find a way to help others and fill those depleted tanks up. For many of us today, this can be an upside-down way of thinking. But God says when you most need refreshment, go serve someone else and watch what He’ll do for you in the process.
Movement Day 22
- Spend some time thanking God for the people who have sacrificed for you over the years.
- Talk to God about your levels of peace and joy today.
- Ask God to start refreshing you as you start serving others.
- Write down one thought.
Serving people isn’t just God’s way of getting things accomplished or finding solutions to problems of people in need. SERVING is a vehicle God has tailor-made for you. If you’ll get this one out on the open road, it will not only help others, but it will change you in the process. Remember, good intentions won’t change anything; it takes purposeful action on your part. Start serving someone around you on purpose!
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