The Bible can be like the cockpit of an airplane. Most of us have looked inside one, but few of us think we could actually operate it. Where a cockpit has buttons, levers, lights, dials, and gauges, THE BIBLE has a New Testament, Old Testament, Gospels, epistles, prophets, etc. Operating the Bible without some sort of special training can feel as awkward as flying a plane without lessons.
Many people today feel that “flying solo” with the Word of God should be reserved for experts like pastors, theologians, and those who have been highly trained to operate all those confusing “toggle switches.”
God says, “Nope!”
In yesterday’s travels, God instructed us to spend time in His Word. He wouldn’t ask that of us if we didn’t have what it takes. He not only wants us to fly this thing, He expects us to do so regularly. And you can! In fact, if you’ve been following the daily TO READ section, you already have been.
Begin approaching the Bible with this phrase in mind:
READ IT: Let God speak to you about your life.
It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 (ESV)
WRITE IT: Simplify and identify exactly what God is saying to you today.
And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2 (ESV)
DO IT: Put God’s instructions into action … today.
Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:17 (NIV)
Operating this vehicle isn’t nearly as difficult as it seems. Keep reading or start today reading a chapter of Matthew and a chapter of Proverbs each day and allow God to speak to you. As you come across something that seems to apply to you, or you get that little voice in your head that says, “Pay attention to that,” or “That’s for you,” assume that’s what God is saying to you today. Then write it down and ask God to help you begin living that out.
That’s it. READ IT, WRITE IT, DO IT, and you’re ready for takeoff!
Movement Day 15
- Find a quiet place where you can focus.
- Ask God to speak to you as you read His Word.
- Continue or start today with the JOURNEY reading plan with Matthew and Proverbs.
- Write down one thing you think God may be communicating to you today.
- Then ask God to help you DO what you wrote down.
- Write down one thought.
This vehicle, THE BIBLE, is taking you closer to God every day you operate it. He’s talking to you, you’re responding to Him, and you’re building a relationship with the Creator of the universe. That’s a pretty amazing thing you’re doing right now!
Today concludes our daily thoughts about Vehicle No. 2: THE BIBLE.
Daily reading of God’s Word will change everything about your life. It will equip you for everything God has planned for you to do in the future and will guide you as you head in that direction. Above all, time spent in God’s Word will allow you to move closer to God than you have very been before, and that’s our ultimate goal. Keep it up; you are well on your way!
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